Davis County is known for its high quality of life and is often referred to as a "bedroom community", however that doesn't mean we should "sleepwalk" into the future. Davis County is not asleep. Just the opposite we are alive, energetic and a recognized leader. Just like Utah is ranked as the best managed State in the Nation, Davis County continues to be ranked as one of the top Counties in the State and the Nation. Areas where Davis County leads include:
As Commissioner I will utilize the principles of conservative governance, prudent expenditure, and steady leadership.
My decisions are based upon what is in the best interest of the taxpayer, both in the short and long-term. I focus on the must haves instead of the nice to haves.
A comprehensive and aggressive master plan for neighborhood and business sectors, needs to be developed with leaders of the county's 15 communities, including both the public and private sectors. Focus needs to be given to both growing existing businesses and attracting new sectors.
Urgent transportation issues require continued attention to projects such as rebuilding I- 15 in South Davis County, rail and bus alternatives, and enhancement of East/West corridors. These priorities improve economic development and increase the accessibility of neighborhoods, allowing residents maximum time with families instead of wading through congestion.
As previous Chair of Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), board member of Utah Transit Authority (UTA), board member of National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), member of National Association of Counties Transportation Steering Committee I have been intimately involved in planning and transportation issues that are vital to Davis County and Utah.
Effective leadership is based on good listening habits. Greater efforts need to be made to enhance relationships with leaders and citizens of each of the 15 cities in the county. Instead of having individuals and groups come to the county, I will be actively outreaching to each city and its citizens.
During my previous service as your Commissioner, these enhanced relationships resulted in some great partnerships on a variety of economic development and public works projects. For example, the construction of a debris basin above Centerville that took nearly 200 homes out of the FEMA floodplain, which ultimately put hundreds of dollars back into homeowners pockets each year, as they are now no longer are required to purchase flood insurance.
VISION, STRATEGY, and the ability to EXECUTE are principles I support and skills I have and will utilize as your Commissioner.